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Belkin N150 F9K1009 v1 - Firmware

Belkin N150 Wireless Home Network Router, F9K1009 v1 - Firmwar

The Belkin N150 Wireless Home Network Router, F9K1009 allows your desktop computers, laptops and other wired or wireless devices to access the Internet easily.   

belkin-g54-n150-wi-fi-f9k1009-v1-f9k1009-0Updating your wireless router’s firmware fixes the previous version's bugs and improves its functionality.  This action must be done especially if you start experiencing connectivity issues with your device.  This article will provide you firmware updates for your Belkin N150 Wireless Home Network Router, F9K1009 v1.

Download the latest firmware for Belkin N150 F9K1009 here:

 Version Info
 Firmware Version
 Boot Version
F9K1009 v1

IMPORTANT:  You need to remember the following:
  • Before starting the troubleshooting process, make sure that your computer is connected to the router using an Ethernet cable for stable connection to prevent upgrade failures.  Upgrading the firmware wirelessly may cause permanent damage to the router due to unstable connection during the process.
  • It is important to back up your router's setting before updating the firmware. .
To manually upgrade the firmware of your Belkin router, you need to complete the following steps:

Checking the firmware version of your router

The firmware version of your router must be identified to check whether it is outdated or needs to be re-flashed (upgrading the firmware with the same version that you are currently using).

NOTE:  The model number and version of your router can be found on the label at the bottom of the router or on the box above the UPC code.  

Downloading the firmware

Before updating the firmware of your router, you will need to download and save the updated firmware file from the Belkin Support site to your computer.  If you encounter problems in downloading your router's firmware, you may use another browser or clear the cache of your browser.  
QUICK TIP:  Belkin routers have the Save/Backup Settings and Restore Previous Settings features which allow you to save your current router configuration settings and to retrieve a previously backed up configuration.  
Performing the upgrade

The router's firmware can be upgraded through its web-based setup page.

Step 1:
Access the web-based setup page by opening any web browser.  On the address bar, enter your router's local IP address.

NOTE:  The Belkin router's default IP address is  If this doesn't work, check your router's IP address. 
Step 2:
Click Login at the top-right corner of the page.

Step 3:
Enter your router's Password if you have one.  Otherwise, leave the field blank then click Submit.

Step 4:
On the Utilities  in the left navigation panel, click Firmware Update.

Step 5:
Click Browse... and search for the file you saved previously.

NOTE:  For Mac® computers, downloaded files are usually saved in the Downloads folder.

Step 6:
Select the firmware file and click Open.

NOTE:  The firmware version in the image below is just an example.  Your file name will vary depending on your router's model and version number.

Step 7:
Click Update.


Step 8:
You will be prompted to continue with the upgrade.  Click OK.


Step 9:
A prompt that advises you NOT to turn off or reboot the router at the end of the upgrade will appear.  Click OK.


The firmware update status will then appear.

IMPORTANT:  Make sure that you DO NOT INTERRUPT OR UNPLUG THE ROUTER during the update process.


Step 10:
Once the update is complete, you will be prompted to wait for several seconds.


Step 11:
Click OK after the router is done rebooting.

NOTE:  If you experience failure or see an error message when updating the firmware, powercycle your router and computer before running the update again.  If this doesn't work, repeat the same process on another computer to further isolate the issue.  If the issue still persists, reset the router to factory defaults and run the update again.

You should now have successfully updated the firmware of the Belkin router.  If the Internet connection is lost after upgrading the firmware, you will need to restore the configuration that was previously set on the router.

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